Thursday, September 1, 2011

Some Creations of an Oddly Artistic Being

This is just a picture of me to let the world see the "Actual" Oddly Artistic being. This post will go along the lines of Some Creations so maybe it will actually make some sense. These have all been done within the last six months so just take a gander and see what you think, and remember feel free to leave a comment or critique me a little if you want to.

Focal Point
 This is not supposed to be a self portrait. I just wanted to have the hand be the focus and do a hand drawing as detailed as I could. Enjoy.

 Empty Horizon
This is one of my personal favorites. I forgot to mention this were all for my AP Art class in high school, my concentration was skulls mostly just a play on death really. (No I'm not "emo" it was just a good subject matter) so, enjoy. Remember to comment.

 Always Watching
This is my actual guitar that I did this painting on it was entitled Always Watching because my Mother died when I was three. Each nerve ending coming off the stem is represents one of my family members, and the eye and stem represent my mother. Hence representing that she will always be watching over my family.

 Third Eye
This is the first ever print I did, if you look closely you will see something like an abstract eye and it is titled Third Eye cause I was listening to tool at the time I came up with the idea for it.(F.Y.I. This is a great song even if your not a fan just listening to the lyrics gives you something to think about)

Reality Broke
This is another favorite of mine and it is the longest I have ever worked on a piece(I worked on it for over thirty hours had my eyes freaking out from all the neon colors). It is called Reality Broke. For the sole purpose of making people think about what reality really is. Although at times I feel like I didn't get my point across but oh well.

Where's The Voice
This piece was titled  Where's the Voice from a thought I had about how there really hasn't been any type of band that has come out in the last FOREVER that has been original (Also just for my love of music). The background is horrible cause I had to rush and finish it to turn it in but the Microphone is pretty detailed.

Any who. These are just a small amount of my artworks Reality Broke will soon be touched up and re-posted most likely. Email me if you like what you see. If you have a request maybe just comment and I will look them over.

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